Bio Gas Installation on a farm processing Cow Dung

What does it take to complete a biogas to RNG project at a dairy farm?

January 11, 2022

Outside of producing the delicious milk that strengthens our bones, dairy cows are also contributing to a renewable future in the simplest of ways: their manure.

Our Biogas experts have helped over 50 dairy farms and landfills along their RNG (short for renewable natural gas) project journey and have fielded many questions like:

  • Are Biogas and RNG the same thing?
  • How is RNG produced?
  • What does the construction, startup and operation of an RNG facility look like?
  • What are the key components of the process flow?

The best way to explain the various components that go into a project of this scope and to answer the most common questions is to show you. Over the coming weeks, our team of experts will share highlights of each step of the process of dairy manure to RNG in this video blog series.

You’ll meet the cows….and the team! Stay tuned!