What are the environmental consequences of the war in Ukraine?
Check out our webinar to learn how NRDA applies to the war in Ukraine.
Rick Wenning, Ph.D, Montrose expert in environmental impact and ecological risk assessment, presented with Integral Consulting’s Ted Tomasi, Ph.D. in an insightful June 14th webinar on the natural resource damage impact of the war in Ukraine.
Webinar Overview
Since the onset of the war in February 2022, Ukraine’s land and water resources have been significantly affected by the conflict. In this webinar, we will explore a data-driven, science-based approach to estimating the restoration needed and its cost to compensate for the environmental impacts of war. We will focus on:
- Developing preliminary remote damage assessments, which can be refined through in-country inspections and analysis to better understand the scale of injuries and develop reparation proposals.
- Taking a phased approach to restoration, aimed at expediting the recovery of the resource base in an effective and targeted program proportional to the harm inflicted on natural resources.
Want to learn more about this topic?
- Email Rick at rjwenning@montrose-env.com
- Contact us for more details.
Rick Wenning, Ph.D.
Senior Principal
Rick has 37 years of experience using environmental impact assessment and ecological risk assessment to characterize environmental injuries caused by industrial accidents and natural disasters. He has applied decision analysis tools, including net environmental benefits analysis (NEBA) and comparative risk and remedy alternatives analysis (CRA/RAA), to advise companies and governments on strategies to restore damaged aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. He has conducted environmental assessments for some of the world’s largest human-caused pollution incidents and natural disasters, such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the northern Gulf of Mexico and Brazil’s Samarco mine tailing dam failure. His expertise has been sought in regions worldwide, including Asia/Pacific, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and southern Africa.