Environmental Planning, Regulatory Permitting & Natural Resource Management

Meeting the evolving laws and expectations of society, investors, and regulators for sustainable project development requires an experienced partner that can scale and integrate multiple environmental disciplines as project dynamics shift. Montrose has the deep technical expertise and ongoing relationships with regulators to lead environmental planning, regulatory permitting and approvals, compliance surveys and monitoring, and liability management for projects of all sizes and complexities. We work with private industry and governments at all levels as trusted strategic advisors throughout the entire lifecycle of development projects – from permitting, through construction monitoring, operations support, and decommissioning.

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Explore Our Services

Montrose’s team of engineers, scientists, and environmental planners works across industries and geographies to provide regulatory permitting support for large- and small-scale approval projects. This team also works closely with our clients during construction through to operations, to help ensure that environmental mitigations proposed at the planning stage can be practically implemented in the field.

Our team of environmental professionals provides technical support to help implement strategies for managing environmental compliance and reporting obligations during project planning, construction, operations, through to decommissioning and closure. We have extensive experience working with regulators at all levels to complete field surveys, environmental assessments, prepare technical studies, and facilitate compliance. We prioritize effective and accurate data management, giving you valuable information to make strategic operating decisions and manage risks.

Our experienced biologists scientists provide comprehensive biological and ecological resource consulting services for small- to large-scale developments, utilities, municipalities, residential, renewable developments, and major capital improvement projects. We partner with our clients to develop strategies for meeting applicable environmental and species-protection regulations at the federal and state/provincial level. Our biological teams determine each project’s survey requirements and manage project permitting, agency negotiations, construction monitoring, and mitigation phases. Field studies are conducted by qualified scientists and specialists to ensure data accuracy and objectivity. Our experience helps avoid potential project delays with high quality, defensible biological documentation, resources mapping, and project management.

When projects intersect with aquatic environments, Montrose has a dedicated fisheries and aquatic sciences team that provides our clients with up-to-date, science-based, technically defensible deliverables, and practical, cost-effective solutions. Learn more.

We provide a wide range of air quality modeling, permitting, and impact assessment services, working with legal experts, jurisdictional agencies, and public and private clients to ensure accurate reporting and full compliance with a host of regulatory requirements. Learn more.

Our cultural resources team provides a full range of services for identification, evaluation, preservation, and management of prehistoric and historic archaeological resources and built environment resources. Our permitted archaeologists are experienced with agency consultation and ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.

Montrose is experienced providing specialized tribal environmental services and development of National Environmental Policy Act-compliant documents to support development in the United States. In all areas of our business, we strive to support our clients with meaningful engagement with Indigenous communities whenever we are working within Traditional Territories.

Our team performs constraints analyses that address a wide range of key factors, so you can have clarity on the environmental conditions that may impact project site selection and the scope and scale of future development early on during the planning process. Where constraints are identified, our specialists provide practical guidance to mitigate or avoid environmental impacts that could delay or halt project development.

Montrose’s restoration and closure experts prepare revegetation and restoration plans for disturbed areas (like well sites, mine pits, and pipelines) and for native vegetation communities including riparian and wetland communities, coastal sage scrub and chaparral, old growth forests/woodlands, desert scrub, and sensitive plants. Our team also leverages our experience to work with and negotiate approval of the plans with applicable resource protection agencies. Montrose then manages the implementation phase to ensure progress is being made annually and to ensure mitigation success criteria are met or exceeded. Working with landscape contractors, Montrose ecologists manage all aspects of the restoration process including site preparation, invasive species control, native seed collection, planting and irrigation design, and long-term monitoring, maintenance, and compliance reporting.

Contact Montrose for the environmental solutions you need today—and tomorrow. Send us a message, tell us what you’re interested in, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.