Multidisciplinary project teams deliver turnkey site assessment, remediation, and closure solutions.

Our professionals are experienced with managing small to large-scale portfolios of contaminated sites with soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, soil gas, and air contamination; as well as impacted building renovation/demolition challenges. Every site is unique, so we build the best team from our seasoned roster of agrologists, biologists, chemists, ecologists, engineers, geologists, geoscientists, hydrogeologists, soil scientists, technologists, technicians, and more. Drawing on an expertise in various regulatory frameworks, these teams support our public and private sector clients across industry sectors to address contaminated site challenges efficiently and reduce associated liabilities in a cost-effective manner 

Every site presents its own challenges, so it is critical to understand the environmental conditions on a site‑specific scale. Our team will work with you to review site features and create a plan to assess suspected or known site contamination and better understand the potential associated risks and liabilities. Through regular, open communication, we will help you assess your options and develop a practical, risk-based approach that manages environmental liabilities consistent with your current use, or proposed redevelopment plans while meeting regulatory requirements and other stakeholder expectations.

Below are some of our key services and areas where we apply them.

  • Phase 1 and 2 Environmental Site Assessments
  • Geological and geophysical surveys
  • Brownfield Redevelopment
  • Surface water, sediment, and wetland assessments
  • Emerging contaminant assessment and investigations
  • Expert testimony and environmental litigation support
  • Groundwater contaminant fate and transport modeling
  • Ecological assessments
  • Human health and ecological risk assessments
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) Characterization and TSCA Support
  • Land recycling program services
  • Remedial investigations, alternatives analysis, and feasibility studies
  • Bench-scale and pilot-scale treatability studies
  • Vapor intrusion studies / soil gas and vapor mitigation
  • Natural resources and ecological restoration
  • Regulatory compliance and permitting
  • GIS/geospatial data analysis and 3D visualization and analysis (3DVA) modeling
  • Digital conceptual site modeling

Montrose completes every step of the evaluation, design, installation, start-up/shakedown, and operation and maintenance of in-situ & ex-situ soil, sediment, and groundwater remediation, and soil vapor mitigation strategies that require minimal oversight and maintenance. As your single point of contact for the installation of complex remediation technologies, we help you avoid costly contractor oversight and scope changes.

  • Air-sparge/Vapor Extraction
  • Bioremediation
  • Dual-phase Extraction
  • Advanced Oxidation
  • Monitored Groundwater Natural Restoration
  • Groundwater Recovery and Treatment
  • Soil Capping
  • Soil Stabilization
  • Sediment Capping
  • Wetland remediation and reclamation
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCBs) Remediation and TSCA Support
  • Slurry wall design and construction
  • Passive and active vapor mitigation
  • Groundwater passive reactive barrier treatment
  • Plume containment via pump and treat
  • Excavation and removal

Montrose provides predictive land reclamation services that support site closure and return impacted land to a productive or natural state in accordance with applicable regulations. We use the latest technology and specialized assessment methods to provide practical and costeffective land reclamation services for well sites, facilities, linear developments, the mining industry, and former spill sites. 

  • Annual regulatory reporting 
  • Predevelopment assessment reports 
  • Site-specific reclamation assessments and monitoring program plans 
  • Ecosystem recovery monitoring 
  • Developing conservation, reclamation, and closure plans 
  • Supervision of physical site reclamation projects 
  • Site closure applications and services 

We provide integrated services such as assessment and resiliency grant assistance as well as guidance that helps our clients in building successful programs to achieve their brownfield redevelopment and community revitalization goals. Click here to learn more about our services.

We maintain highly-skilled construction personnel who complement our qualified group of geologists, hydrogeologists, engineers, and other environmental professionals to undertake safe and economical excavations and earthwork projects in any environment. If warranted, Montrose personnel can also support Certified Construction Review (CCR) requirements for your project. We also take on demolition projects ranging from small residential structures to large commercial and industrial facilities with environmental concerns, employing efficient techniques to segregate, recycle, and salvage large amounts of debris.

  • Landfill/Buried Debris Excavation
  • Residential, Commercial and Industrial Demolition
  • Soil Stabilization and Erosion Control
  • Turnkey Contaminated-Soil Excavation, Transportation, & Disposal
  • Wetlands Restoration

Our spill response experience and longstanding relationships with regulators give you peace of mind that your environmental cleanup will be completed efficiently and in compliance with regulatory expectations. Our experience ranges from small or routine spill cleanups to large-scale multidisciplinary emergencies that have received media attention. Our teams also assist with proactive measures such as risk assessment and ranking; and development of emergency response procedures and spill prevention programs.  

Montrose provides responsive solutions addressing every facet of dewatering projects in clean and contaminated groundwater, including:

  • Permitting
  • System Operation & Maintenance
  • Discharge Sampling, Monitoring, and Reporting
  • Liquid Phase Carbon & Bag Filtration Systems
  • System Installation

Montrose provides a complete range of services for the management, removal, and proper disposal of underground storage tanks (UST) and aboveground storage tanks (AST) and their contents. This includes collection and laboratory analysis of soil samples from UST excavations, as well as coordination and reporting to the proper state and local agencies.

  • Complete UST/AST System Management, Removal, and Closure
  • UST/AST Cleaning and Degassing