Safe Field Testing During COVID-19 Pandemic
The following steps are the general and task-specific actions Montrose teams are taking to ensure we can safely provide field-testing services for our clients around the country during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
All employees have been directed to:
- Stay home if symptomatic or have had known exposure and use company-paid sick time and other company-paid time off benefits
- Pre-shift self-screening by employees has been put in place to identify and minimize potential exposure risks
- Work remotely whenever possible to minimize the potential of spreading the virus (office-based employees)
- Employ social distancing (6 feet), even where not mandated by local authorities
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least twenty seconds and use hand sanitizer (> 60 percent alcohol)
- Avoid touching hands to face
- Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces before and after shifts or crew changes
- All employees have been informed and trained on COVID-19 and these procedures
- Visitor access to our facilities has been restricted to essential business.
- Existing stop work authority (as with any workplace hazard) is reinforced.
Employees have been directed to:
- Verify the customer’s site conditions, processes, and operations before commencing prep work to ensure that we can operate in a safe manner
- Assemble the necessary PPE to bring to the job site
- Bring all sanitizing products needed to clean company and customer surfaces that may be encountered
- Arrange workstations to provide for 6 feet of separation between co-workers
- Wear gloves, whenever possible
- Disinfect work areas, including mobile lab workspaces, before and after shifts or crew changes
- Disinfect test equipment surfaces (focusing on man/machine interfaces – handles, switches, knob, buttons, keyboards and keys, etc.) before and after shifts or crew changes
Employees have been directed to:
- Establish and maintain separate, designated teams (with the same PMs and technicians) where possible, to minimize cross-contamination
- Dedicate each mobile laboratory unit to a single PM/Tech team
Employees have been directed to:
- Avoid all public transportation when possible
- Pay for fuel outdoors and sanitize contact surfaces before touching
- Not eat in public dining areas
Employees have been directed to:
- Follow all site rules at all times, including any recently implemented COVID-19 requirements
- Maintain a minimum of 6 feet of interpersonal distancing, especially from plant personnel
- Arrange pre-job meetings using virtual technology, where possible
- Conduct face-to-face meetings outdoors for any in-person situations (orientation, safety, and daily tailgate meetings, etc.)
Employees have been directed to:
- Arrange workstations to provide for 6 feet of separation between co-workers
- Disinfect test equipment surfaces (focusing on man/machine interfaces – handles, switches, knob, buttons, keyboards and keys,
etc.)- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces before and after operator changes and shift or crew changes
- Use field connectivity technology to facilitate customer communication
- Phones or radios, as allowed, for real-time communication needs
- Email for test, operational, and monitoring data
- Use field connectivity technology to facilitate regulatory agency observation
- Facetime leak checks with remote observer
- Video conferencing with screen sharing of live test and calibration data collection
- Prohibit visitors from physically entering enclosed personal workspaces such as mobile laboratories
- Wear gloves, whenever possible
- Create separate on-stack work areas for each team member to maintain 6 feet of separation
- Be careful to avoid sample contamination from disinfectant products
- Disinfect work areas, including mobile lab workspaces
Employees have been directed to:
- Not share workspaces
- Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between co-workers
- Disinfect equipment surfaces (focusing on man/machine interfaces – handles, switches, knob, buttons, keyboards and keys, sample transport containers, etc.)
- Wear gloves whenever possible
- Be careful to avoid sample contamination from disinfectant products
Employees have been directed to:
- Not share workspaces when working at the office
- Maintain at least 6 feet of distance between coworkers
- Disinfect office equipment surfaces (focusing on man/machine interfaces – handles, switches, knob, buttons, keyboards and keys, etc.)
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your
contact at Montrose, or email