Veterans Day 2023

Veterans Day 2023

November 10th, 2023

At Montrose, we take great pride in recognizing and celebrating the achievements of our amazing team members.

It is with great honor that we pay tribute this month to our team members who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces and acknowledge the importance of Veterans Day. Thank you for your service and dedication to our country.

Meet some of our amazing team members below.

Bruce Nicholson

Bruce Nicholson Veteran Photo
Bruce Nicholson
Corporate Counsel | Montrose Environmental Group

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

For me, it is a day to be personally grateful to have been given an opportunity to serve in the military early in my career right out of college. It is also a day to pause and reflect on the history of Veterans Day and its meaning. Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day, or in the Commonwealth countries as Remembrance Day, to commemorate the end of hostilities in World War I that occurred on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

In some countries around the globe, there is still a tradition to observe a full two minutes of silence on this day on the appointed hour. The first minute of silence is to remember those who had fallen in the conflict and the second for those who survived the war and then returned home to pick up their lives and go on living.

How did you find your way to where you are today at Montrose?

Three and a half years serving active duty as an officer in the Marine Corps. Three years of law school in Maine. Seven years in private practice with a small environmental law firm. Twenty-one years with a privately owned engineering and environmental consulting firm. And now I am here at Montrose.

Who (in general) inspires you the most and why?

The unsung heroes behind the scenes that perform all of the critical tasks to get proposals out the door and help to ensure that our projects are contracted, booked, staffed, executed, invoiced, and paid. They keep the organization running and the lights on. Without them, Montrose would not be able to deliver its high quality work product and professional services to our clients.

Jennifer Bouldin

Jennifer Boudin Veteran Portrait
Jennifer Bouldin
Workday Administrator | CTEH

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

Veterans Day means to me thanking the veterans who sacrificed their freedom so American society can live the way we do.

Who (in general) inspires you the most and why?

My four sisters inspire me the most. They have been a constant good influence throughout my life, and I do not know where I would be without them and their support.

Was there a time you messed up and felt like you’d failed? How did you bounce back?

I have messed up and failed many times throughout my life. I get back up, keep moving, and learn from my mistakes.

Jamie Beck

Jamie Beck Veteran Portrait
Jamie Beck
Director of Response Management | CTEH

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

To me, Veterans Day is a day to honor all of those who are still with us today, who sacrificed time in their life in order for the rest of us to exercise our freedom. It is also a day that reminds me of perspective – I think about some of the small problems that sometimes seem like a big deal, and then I remember that there were times in my life when those “problems” wouldn’t have been anything close to something to worry about.

What do you like best about Montrose/CTEH?

I like the general “problem-solver” mentality of CTEH. Our organization is comprised of talent from many different backgrounds and experiences, which enables us to develop solutions for unique problems that many of our competitors are not equipped to support.

Who (in general) inspires you the most and why?

I am generally inspired the most by my team. We are a small team that can pack a big punch. Each day, they prove to our clients that they enjoy what they do and that they want to do it well. This challenges me to try harder in my role and to ensure they have what they need to succeed, whether it is a new tool or just listening to their thoughts.

Jeremy Clark

Jeremy Clark Veteran Portrait
Jeremey Clark
VP Operations | MAQS Stack

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

I have only shared this with one other person at Montrose, so I hope this will be received in the humble spirit in which it was intended with a larger audience on what it means to me to be a Veteran. I remember my mindset during my time in uniform vividly. I truly would have given my life for this country. I would have given my life for people I did not know and would never meet. I would have even given my life for those who would have hated me and the values that I hold so dear. The military wasn’t a job for me; it was my willing sacrifice to hold firm and fight for those things that made this country great. I hope that we as a country, during these challenging days, can cling now to all that is good and discard all that devalues life, destroys liberty, and degrades human dignity.

Who inspires you the most within our organization and why?

The U.S. Postal Service used to have an unofficial motto… “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” I am inspired daily by our field employees who continue to get up every morning, don their PPE, and steadfastly perform work in conditions and long hours that make a postal worker look like an underachiever.

What are your favorite parts of your job?

I aspire to be a Servant Leader. It is rewarding for me to help make other’s lives better than mine was the decade that I lived on the road as a tester.

Brandon Giordanolanza

Brandon Giordanolanza Headshot
Brandon Giordanolanza
Stack HR Manager | MAQS Stack

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

It’s a time to reflect on everything that I have personally done and gone through in my 8 years on active duty, as well as what others have done for our country.

It was a pleasure to serve 8 years in the US Navy, from my War on Terrorism Deployment to my Anti-Piracy Deployment in Somalia. It was an absolute pleasure, would not change a thing, the sacrifices and experiences have made me the man I am today, and I look forward every year to this day to specifically reflect on my time in the Navy.

Who inspires you the most within our organization and why?

The Stack testers, day in and day out they are going to job sites, spending a lot of time away from their loved ones, staying in hotels, and are sacrificing a lot to get the job done which I respect greatly as that is something you have to deal with while being deployed.

What’s an important lesson you’ve learned and how has it proven invaluable?

Be transparent with everything, there will always be a hiccup, there will always be a situation where something went wrong, and as long as you are transparent, there will always be options. Life is too short to let things (especially at work) bottle up and cause stress.

Olatokunbo “AB” White

Olatokunbo Headshot
Olatokunbo “AB” White 
Information Security Director | Montrose Environmental Group

What does Veterans Day mean to you?

Veterans day is a time for me to meet with friends no longer in the military service and appreciate the time spent protecting and serving this great country.

Who inspires you the most within our organization and why?

Many people inspire me, from the Environmental Field Techs who come into the office at 5 a.m. or earlier to the HR and accounting teams who work until 9 p.m. to complete tasks.

Was there a time you messed up and felt like you’d failed? How did you bounce back?

There are many times I have messed up and failed. One of the most memorable is not completing a competitive program, which I had been selected for due to the challenge of managing family life and work. I bounced back by learning from my mistakes and applying the knowledge gained to my next endeavor.

Montrose Reflections: A note from John “JJ” Jackson
Chief Information Officer | Montrose Environmental Group 


Veterans Day, observed on the 11th of November each year, is a solemn occasion that provides an opportunity for people to express their gratitude and respect for the men and women who have served in the armed forces of the United States. This day, originally known as Armistice Day, was established to commemorate the end of World War I but later expanded to honor all veterans.

It is a day to reflect on the sacrifices, courage, and patriotism of those who have donned the uniform and devoted their lives to defending our nation. Whether in times of peace or war, veterans have stepped forward to protect our nation, often leaving behind their families and risking their lives or making the ultimate sacrifice.

Veterans exemplify courage, dedication, and selflessness. They have shown unwavering commitment to their duty and a willingness to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. As we honor our heroes, let us also commit to supporting them in their post-service lives. Veterans Day reminds us that, through the service and sacrifices of these men and women, we have the privilege to live in a land of liberty and opportunity. It’s a day to celebrate the bravery and patriotism that defines the United States of America.

Honoring our heroes this Veterans Day! Today, we salute the brave men and women who’ve served our nation with unwavering courage and dedication. Your sacrifices and commitment have secured our freedom and protected our way of life. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. #VeteransDay #ThankYouVeterans