Preparing for Pending NPDES Effluent Limits for PFAS in Michigan – Stay Ahead of Compliance

- Rock Vitale, CEAC, National PFAS Leader/Sr. Principal Chemist
- Rick Shoyer, LSRP, Principal Scientist
- Mike Allen, Vice President of Ultratrace Lab Services, Enthalpy Analytical
- Nick Backman, National Business Development. Manager, ECT2
- Shaun Gilday, CPEA, Operations Director
- Martha Maier, PFAS Technical Expert
- Fredric Andes, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP
- Erika Powers, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Are you preparing for the possibility of PFAS being included in your new/renewed NPDES permit? As we anticipate future NPDES permits to include PFAS and the establishment of effluent limits, Montrose is committed to supporting our clients in navigating these emerging challenges.
As the EPA continues to tighten regulations on PFAS, including newly announced Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for drinking water, it’s crucial to prepare for what’s next. We anticipate the EPA will soon mandate new and/or stricter effluent limitations for PFAS in industrial NPDES permits, expanding beyond the current regulations for wastewater treatment plants.
This engaging session will guide you through the entire NPDES permitting process, evaluating current operations (and supply chain inputs) for the presence of PFAS in influent and effluent, sampling and analytical considerations, treatment technologies, and regulatory negotiations on establishing intervention and compliance limits.