Webinar: Measurement-Informed Methane Inventories in Today’s Regulatory Environment

Steve Davis, Senior Vice President of Environmental Data Solutions, Sensible EDP
Elizabeth McGurk, Managing Consultant, Montrose
Josh Anhalt, Vice President of Technology, Montrose
Jenna Granstra, Director of Gulf Coast Operations, Montrose
Whit Swift, Partner, Bracewell
2023 and early 2024 brought a flurry of new methane regulations at the federal, state, and international levels. That trend is expected to continue through 2024 and beyond. In the midst of this rulemaking, one trend is clear – developing an accurate greenhouse gas inventory is not only important for regulatory compliance but will also likely have very real financial impacts for many oil and gas companies through the proposed methane tax or other greenhouse gas intensity-driven requirements.
Discussion topics include the following topics:
- Summaries of the most recent and impactful proposed or finalized methane rulemaking
- Leveraging the best field-practices and technologies for obtaining accurate methane emission rate measurements
- Aggregating data obtained from various technologies in a single platform for effective use by your organization
- Synergies that may be achieved by committing to a voluntary sustainability initiative (like OGMP 2.0, Veritas, MiQ, and more) while implementing systems for regulatory compliance
- A legal perspective on all of the above to be provided by Bracewell LLP