Optical Gas Imaging Overview for the Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC)

Optical Gas Imaging Overview

Terence Trefiak, PE and Faizal Damji, EIT

As of January 1, 2020, oil and gas facilities were required to start conducting leak detection and repair (LDAR) monitoring to meet new Federal and/or Provincial methane reduction regulations.  The onsite LDAR survey frequency is dependent on facility type and location, but generally requires a survey 1 to 3 times per year. Target Emission Services (a Montrose Environmental Group Company) is the largest provider of Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) services in Canada and has completed 2,650 LDAR surveys from January to April 2020 across 6 provinces.  They will be sharing the results of this first round of LDAR surveys, identifying program challenges and best practices, as well as discussing technology options for applying Alternative Fugitive Emission Management Programs.

This presentation will include the following:

  • Overview of technologies and protocols used to conduct the surveys
  • Analysis of the number and size of leaks detected at different facilities
  • Cost/Benefit Analysis of leak repairs and gas savings
  • Evaluating program challenges and identifying best practices for successful surveys
  • Examine the role of effective LDAR data management and communication
  • Review of Alternative LDAR technologies (installed monitoring, vehicle and drone-based scanning)