Guide to 2021 Environmental Reporting Deadlines: US EPA and Southeastern US
February 15, 2021
It’s a new reporting year and time to plan for environmental reporting and compliance deadlines. The following deadlines and reports are requirements under the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and various state-specific environmental agencies.
Upcoming Deadlines:
Federal (EPA)
- March 1st – EPCRA SARA Tier II (311 and 312)
- March 31st – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report
- July 1st – EPCRA Form R (TRI Report)
- September 1st – Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) of hazardous waste are being asked to submit a re-notification of their generator status
Georgia (GA EPD)
- January 31st – Storm Water Annual Report
- June 15th – Air Emissions Statement
- June 30th – Emissions Inventory / Facility Inventory
- July 1st – Hazardous Waste Management Fees (Note that Fees received after July 31 incur a fifteen percent (15%) penalty and interest at a rate for delinquent taxes.)
- July 1st – Hazardous Substance Fee
- September 1st – Air Emissions Fee
Alabama (ADEM)
- January 28th and July 28th (for previous 6-month reporting period) – Industrial Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Report
- January 30th – Industrial Storm Water Annual Report (Note that the reporting deadline for the pesticide industry is February 15th)
- June 30th – Point Source Air Emissions Report (Report should be submitted either annually or every three years, depending on emissions levels.)
- October 31st – Air Permit Fees
Tennessee (TDEC)
- 1st of each month (excluding November) based on which county(1) the reporting facility is located in – Air Emissions Fees for Minor and Conditional Major Sources
- March 1st – Hazardous Waste Annual Report for SQGs, LQGs, and TSDFs
- March 31st – Industrial Storm Water Annual Reports (Annual Stormwater Monitoring Report is due within 30 days of receiving laboratory results, but no later than March 31 of the following year, whichever comes first, for the following sectors: A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, S, U, Y, AA, AB, AD, and AF.)
- April 1st – Major Source Air Emissions Fees (Note that Major sources opting to pay annual emissions fees based on actual emissions or a combination of actual and allowable emissions on a fiscal year basis must pay an estimated 65 percent of the fee by April 1, and the remainder of the fee by July 1.)
- June 1st – Air Emissions Inventory, excluding electric generating units (EGUs)
- July 1st – Annual Air Emissions Inventory Report for EGUs
- December 31st – Major source air emissions fee determination
(1) County Specific
- January 1st: Anderson, Bedford, Benton Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, and Campbell counties.
- February 1st: Cannon, Carroll, Carter, Cheatham, Chester, Claiborne, Clay, and Cocke counties.
- March 1st: Coffee, Crockett, Cumberland, Decatur, DeKalb, Dickson, Dyer, and Fayette counties.
- April 1st: Fentress, Franklin, Gibson, Giles, Grainger, Greene, and Grundy counties.
- May 1st: Hamblen, Hancock, Hardeman, Hardin, Hawkins, Haywood, and Henderson counties.
- June 1st: Henry, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Lake, Lauderdale, Lawrence, and Lewis counties.
- July 1st: Lincoln, Loudon, McMinn, McNairy, Macon, and Madison counties.
- August 1st: Marion, Marshall, Maury, Meigs, Monroe, Montgomery, Moore, and Morgan counties.
- September 1st: Obion, Overton, Perry, Pickett, Polk, Putnam, and Rhea counties.
- October 1st: Roane, Robertson, Rutherford, Scott, Sequatchie, and Sevier counties.
- December 1st: Van Buren, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Weakley, White, Williamson, and Wilson counties.
South Carolina (SCDHEC)
- January 30th / April 30th / July 30th / October 30th – Hazardous Waste Quarterly Report for LQGs and TSDFs
- March 15th – Used Oil Annual Report for Used Oil Handlers
- March 31st – Air Emissions Inventory
Other Programs
- NPDES Individual Permit DMRs – Typically due 28 days following monitoring period (Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, or Annually)
- Review Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP / PPC) and update – Annually
- SWPPP / PPC / BMP Training – Annually
- SPCC Plan Update – Every 5 years
- SPCC Discharge Prevention Training – Annually
- Air Quality Permit Renewal – 6 months prior to expiration
- Individual NPDES Permit Renewal – 6 months prior to expiration
- NSPS OOOO Report – January 13th
- NSPS OOOOa Report – October 31st
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