Montrose - Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA)

Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA)

The Net Environmental Benefit Analysis-Comparative Assessment framework, or NEBA-CA, creates win-win solutions for operators, government, ecology, and the public. Integrating the flow of ecosystem services is critical when considering commissioning and decommissioning alternatives since decisions directly and indirectly affect future generations.

NEBA-CA is frequently used in offshore decommissioning, sustainable remediation, and oil spill response.

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“We are breaking ground in terms of R&D for offshore decommissioning decision-making. This is evidenced by a number of publications recently put out by our NEBA team.”

Joe Nicolette, VP of Ecosystem Service Economics

Offshore Decommissioning

Are plastics a potential liability as part of your portfolio? Plastic pollution is a widespread problem affecting the marine environment with over eight million tons of debris entering the oceans via coastal nations each year. Recently, the ecological risks associated with long-term degradation of plastic-containing infrastructure in offshore oil/gas fields has garnered focus from regulators as they evaluate decommissioning strategies for these facilities.

As part of our offshore decommissioning net environmental benefit analysis-based comparative assessment (NEBA-CA) process Montrose staff led the development and publication of a novel, quantitative approach expressly for this purpose. For more details on this approach, take a look at our peer-reviewed scientific paper recently published in the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal.

Want to learn more about how the NEBA framework functions and what end products can look like? Take a look at our recently published article on the NEBA-CA framework as a case study from a North Sea project.

Informative Video: Maximizing Ecosystem Service Benefits While Managing Site Risks as Applied to Decommissioning

So you are thinking about decommissioning your assets in place.

What about long-term liability management strategies? Check out this extended abstract written by Montrose staff and published in the recent volume of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal on the implementation of long-term exclusion zones to protect socio ecological uses of the structure and mitigating risk to other users of the sea.

Sustainable Remediation

NEBA analyzes the risks, benefits, and tradeoffs associated with various remediation alternatives. We model each option from cradle to grave to equitably compare short and long-term risks and benefits to environmental, cultural, social, and economic values associated with each option.

Joe Nicolette, VP of Ecosystem Service Economics at Montrose Environmental Solutions co-authored the first formalized framework for NEBA as applied to contaminated sites.

Our staff leverages over 100 years of combined NEBA experience in the sustainable remediation of contaminated sites – ranging from DOD, private industry, CERCLA and Superfund sites, and more, with a proven track record of saving our clients millions of dollars.

Photo Credit: Airwolfhound. (n.d.). Mammoth Lakes – California.
Beautiful landscape of Mammoth Lakes in California.
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Net Environmental Benefit Analysis NEBA

Oil Spill Response

NEBA is used to evaluate various spill response options for preparedness planning. We assess many response options that minimize the footprint and magnitude of ecological, social, and economic damages while determining the safest and most strategic course of action.

Did you have a release event? Have you begun a coordinated response effort and now need to assess the damage? Our team of spill response consultants will partner with you on the short and long term ramifications of your event.