Ecosystem Economics
As environmental markets emerge to capture the inherent value of ecosystem assets and services, it’s essential for decision makers to understand their choices — and how they affect the social, environmental, and economic benefits associated with an ecosystem asset. We’re ready to lead that process, with a team of national and international leaders in ecosystem service valuation strategies and environmental liability management who’ve worked in more than 35 U.S. states and 15 countries. We guide clients on the best response to issues that have natural-resource implications and develop solutions to environmental challenges that deliver long-term value — taking into account both ecological and socioeconomic valuation.
The quantification of ecosystem service flows helps our clients to document & understand the following, with the goal of successful management of liabilities and assets:
- Environmental & monetary cost-benefit trade-offs associated with an action
- Utilizing ecosystem service values to evaluate a parcel of property (for environmental or land conservation stewardship, repurposing)
- Compare monetary and ecosystem benefits/costs between actions with
NEBA-CA (such as offshore oil/gas/wind commissioning and decommissioning, site remedial alternative identification, and NRDA)
Whether your company is facing a major environmental response event, or you are looking to generate goodwill out of an underutilized property, our experts can compare numerous competing cost/benefit scenarios that empower you to choose the path that best balances financial, social, and environmental health while managing site risks.
- Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA)
- Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)
- NEPA/CEQA/EIS Alternatives Analysis
- Land Asset Management
- Lifecycle Analysis (LCA)
- Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA)
- Uncertainty Analysis
Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA)
Montrose works with clients who may be liable for injury to natural resources caused by the release of hazardous substances into the environment, helping them understand NRDA liability, characterize potential injury to natural resources and associated services, develop and scale compensatory restoration, and negotiate NRD settlements with state, federal, and tribal natural resource trustees. Learn more about NRDA.
- Emergency Response to Support NRDA Liability-Management Activities
- Resources at Risk (RAR) Analysis
- Natural-Resource and Socioeconomic Valuation
- Ecological and Human Use Injury Determination
- Compensatory Restoration-Based Scaling and Valuation
- Habitat and Resource Equivalency Analyses (HEA and REA)
- Event-Based GIS Mapping and Web-based Information Management Systems
- NRDA Liability and Strategy Development
- Technical-Study Design and Implementation
- Trustee Negotiation Support
- Litigation and Expert Witness Support
- Natural Resource Planning Services
Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA)
Using ecosystem service valuation concepts in an alternative decision-making process, Montrose gives decision-makers the information and understanding they need to make informed choices about the net benefits of actions affecting the environment — helping to reduce and manage costs, manage site risks, and maximize benefits to the environment and the public. Learn more about NEBA.
- Decommissioning of Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities
- Oil Spill Response and Protections Strategies
- Risk-based Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives and Design Optimization
- Land Portfolio Management and Surplus Property Valuation (Eco-Assets)
- Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship Demonstration
- Land Development Planning and Re-Use Designs
- NEPA/CEQA Documentation Support
- Mitigation/Restoration Scaling (How Much Is Enough?)
- Restoration and Recreational Area Designs
- Thermal and Impingement/Entrainment Issues
- Watershed Planning
- Litigation and Expert Witness Support
Biodiversity & Nature-Based Restoration
At Montrose, we believe our future is tied to healthy natural systems and the stewardship of natural resources. We are committed to ecologically sustainable business practices that preserve and enhance biodiversity and achieve net positive conservation outcomes. Our ecologists, ecosystem service specialists, and environmental experts have developed specific tools to evaluate the potential consequences of business and land management activities and governmental regulations on biodiversity and nature restoration. Link to separate Biodiversity & Nature-Based Restoration page.
- Biodiversity Assessment
- Revegetation of Damaged Landscapes
- Wildfire Mitigation
- Post-Wildlife Remediation
- Nature-Based Remediation & Restoration
- Riparian, Palustrine, and Lacustrine Restoration
- Upland and Distributed Lands Restoration