What’s New in Washington: Newly Released EPA Regulations and What They Mean For You
July 21, 2021
Since the Biden administration took office early this year, the demand to lower toxic emissions and address climate change has become a top priority. From phasing down hydrofluorocarbons to reducing pollution emitted by power plants and prioritizing the PFAS Action Plan, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has had a consistent drumbeat of announcements to tackle the climate crisis.
Below you will find three recent EPA announcements on new legislations and an overview of what each means for you.
EPA Moves forward with Phase Down of Climate-Damaging Hydrofluorocarbons
What this means for you:
Specialty chemical industries impacted by the proposed regulation to phase out hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) may be challenged with specialized testing needs. The phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons in the early 1990s required a specialized canister and sampling resins methodology. In addition, EPA gas chromatograph testing methods had to be developed and approved for some specialized compounds. The Montrose Emerging Technologies, stack testing technical experts, and Enthalpy Analytical will be tracking the needs associated with the phase-out of the current HFCs and the replacement compounds. Some of my most challenging programs when I started with Radian in the early 1990s were directly associated with the phase-out of the existing refrigerants and the replacement compounds. I brainstormed with Enthalpy Analytical decades ago to construct and verify new test methods and look forward to repeating those tasks in response to this new rule.
What this means for you:
The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) finalization amplifies the need for accurate flow and nitrogen oxide (NOx) measurements to obtain accurate baseline and future emissions inventories. Top-tier testing companies can offer enhanced flow audits, linearity calibrations, and gas analyzer relative accuracy audits to ensure that the most accurate mass emissions rates are recorded.
EPA Delivers Results on PFAS Action Plan
What this means for you:
PFAS is a new pollutant family that not only impacts environmental water regulations, but the toxicity and human exposure information will also increase air regulations. A few states have enacted limited PFAS compound emissions limits, and additional state and federal regulations will be forthcoming. Montrose has performed PFAS air emissions testing and teamed with Enthalpy analytical to formulate the PFAS analytical compound list and project performance quality requirements. Enthalpy has staff on the EPA PFAS committee, and they are collaborating with the EPA on the analytical issues and quality assurance criteria associated with the 0045 sampling and analytical method.